Ask The Mask


Channel 4

Future Studios




Premiere Pro

Edit Assistant

The production company, Future Studios, brought me on as an edit assistant for the factual online series Ask the Mask on Channel 4. It was a 10-episode run, with each episode about 20 minutes long, and I handled everything from ingesting footage to making sure the final episodes were good to go for the channel.

During production, I took care of all the footage after each shoot day—renaming, syncing, organizing, and getting it prepped so the offline editors could dive right in without any hiccups.

Once we hit the editing phase, I worked on reversioning cuts for different platforms. Starting with the YouTube edits, I created shorter versions for Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram, making sure each one fit the quirks of the platform.

The final stretch was probably the toughest—delivering episodes straight to the channel. That meant double-checking everything, making tweaks, handling QC, and working through all the notes Channel 4 threw our way.




A New Life